Thursday, October 2, 2008

Are you smarter than a vice president?

In this editorial, the author writes about the debate to encourage votors to watch it,especially the undecided ones, and realize that Palin is not ready for the high national office. I, however, disagree with the author. I think instead of putting down Palin he should encourage the votors to give her a chance before telling everone she will mess up. I think it would be cool to have a woman as vice president since it would probably be a while before theres a woman president. The author is arguing the debate between Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden. He starts off describing Sen. Joe Biden with great credibility and describes Sarah Palin as a "stumbling, inarticulate vice presidential candidate." He does not even wait and give her the chance to mess up before he already starts saying that she will cuz he believes she is not ready. I say give her a chance to try to prove you wrong before you judge who is the better. If Palin holds her own against Biden then she could recover ground her campaign had lost. I guess that would be where the author got his view point that Palin is not ready for the national office but everyone deserves a second chance to recover from their mistakes. No country has seen her in action yet only in a few press interviews and the jokes television has turned her in. Maybe she has learned from mistakes from those media mess ups and is coming around. Even Biden has his own "flubs" telling people that Obama is not ready for presidency when he himself has not even been made vice president yet. If he gets it. The author has plenty of evidence and probably support from votors that Palin is not made for vice presidency but I still think she deserves another chance to change the votors' minds, who knows she might surprise you.

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