Wednesday, December 10, 2008

reply to Barack Obama already taking charge

Barack Obama does seem like the better President, though most everyone I know that has voted has voted for McCain so naturally from listening to what they have told me I was going for McCain too, although I did not vote. But after reading this article and reading what Obama's plans are for our country I agree that he is the better President and agree he should have the opportunity to start building our nation back up as soon as now instead of waiting til January and letting more problems occur because Bush is not doing anything.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Maxing Out the National Debt Clock

Times Square's National Debt Clock that has been tallying up the numbers for what the U.S. Government has owed since 1989 is finally running out of spaces. The national debt is currently 10.2 trillion dollars. The digital dollar sign was eliminated to make room for an extra digit in September 2008. Completion for the new clock that will allow room for quadrillion dollars of debt is greatly anticipated in the early year of 2009. Times Square's National Debt Clock was created in 1989 by Manhattan real estate developer Seymour Durst to inform the public about the nation's national debt which was 2.7 trillion dollars back then. Seymour died in 1995, and the clock is now owned by his son, Douglas Durst. According to the Treasury, the national debt has grown more than 500 billion dollars each year since the year 2003.
This is not the first time the clock has experienced technical difficulties. In 1991, Durst had to remove and revamp the clock so it could keep pace with the national debt's $13,000-per-second increase. Before Durst's death the amount began accumulating so fast that the last seven digits became totally illegible. At one point, the surge actually crashed the computer that calculates the billboard's numbers. A historic moment in U.S. history — the national debt was shrinking because the clock wasn't built to count backwards, Durst pulled the plug. Just two years later, following the burst of the dot-com bubble and the economic fall-out of 9/11, he turned it back on. The billboard has ticked forward ever since. Today, it hangs near the entrance of the city's IRS office.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have posted this commentary to the post "The ideal presidential election...or so I thought" on A Smorgasbord of Politics:

I think this blog post is well written and very thoughtful and i agree one hundred percent with this post. This year was the first presidential election I was eligible to vote in also, and have not been as politically involved until this year either. And I agree that Americans are not focusing on the issues that really matter but simply voting because if race and color. Everyone I kno was going for McCain because he cared more about our country than Obama. Yes this election did not give very suitable choices but everyone could see that McCain would have been the better candidate for our nation. And I agree with an anonymous election I think it would be a good idea.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

unfair tax laws

Repealing the estate tax is unfair to middle-income taxpayers. Eliminating the estate tax gives a tremendous tax break to the heirs of the very wealthy Americans. None of us should be naïve enough to think that another tax won’t be passed to replace the missing revenue nor should we doubt that the weight of that new tax will fall, as usual, on the middle class. In 2009, any estate worth less than $3.5 million will be passed on to heirs and heiresses estate-tax free. How is that fair to the other classes? Congress should pass a tax law that is the same for EVERYONE not higher for one class and lower for another. In 2001, the Bush Administration and some of the richest families in America pushed to enact a law that has lowered the tax and will eliminate it entirely in 2010. However, to get around Senate rules, the entire law sunsets in 2011 when the tax will theoretically return to 2001 levels. As a result, Congress will have to pass a new estate tax law, most likely next year. A new estate tax law will have to be passed in 2009. A solution would be to write to ensure tax fairness—not to extend unfair tax cuts for the rich. Barack Obama proposes freezing the estate tax at 2009 levels: a 45 percent tax rate on estates valued at more than $3.5 million. Not that i'm in the higher class rank, but I think taxes should be fair to everyone because you can't help how much money you make, some people get lucky, but that doesn't mean just because they have more money their taxes should be higher. I believe in fairness for all.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama's tax plan for Joe "the plumber"

This blog is about Obama's new tax plan. How the people, who make $250,000 or more a year, will have their taxes raised. Joe Wurzelbacher, a.k.a joe "the plumber", is questioned about how much his income is, personally I think it is rude to ask joe what his income is, however, he tells the world it is not nearly as much as $250,000. Obama's plan is to lower the taxes on lower/middle class people and raise it for the higher class who make $250,000 or more a year. Joe, who does not make high enough to have to worry about being taxed higher, wants to purchase the plumbing business for $250,000 to $280,000 which then would cause him to have to pay higher on his taxes. Joe is asked if he is in the category of Obama's tax plan and he responds not presently, then asks so he's going to do that now for people who make $250,000 a year. When's he going to decide that $100,000 is too much? I mean, you know, you're on a slippery slope here. You vote on somebody who decides that $250,000 and you're rich? And $100,000 and you're rich? I mean, where does it end? You know, that's -- people got to ask that question." The intended audience in this blog is everyone. Especially the higher class people needs to pay attention to Obama's tax plan considering it concerns them more because they would be the ones being taxed more. The argument is basically between Obama and his tax plan and Joe and his income tax. I do'nt disagree on the lowering tax for the lower class but i am not sure if it is fair to raise the tax for the higher class just because they make more money.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Are you smarter than a vice president?

In this editorial, the author writes about the debate to encourage votors to watch it,especially the undecided ones, and realize that Palin is not ready for the high national office. I, however, disagree with the author. I think instead of putting down Palin he should encourage the votors to give her a chance before telling everone she will mess up. I think it would be cool to have a woman as vice president since it would probably be a while before theres a woman president. The author is arguing the debate between Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden. He starts off describing Sen. Joe Biden with great credibility and describes Sarah Palin as a "stumbling, inarticulate vice presidential candidate." He does not even wait and give her the chance to mess up before he already starts saying that she will cuz he believes she is not ready. I say give her a chance to try to prove you wrong before you judge who is the better. If Palin holds her own against Biden then she could recover ground her campaign had lost. I guess that would be where the author got his view point that Palin is not ready for the national office but everyone deserves a second chance to recover from their mistakes. No country has seen her in action yet only in a few press interviews and the jokes television has turned her in. Maybe she has learned from mistakes from those media mess ups and is coming around. Even Biden has his own "flubs" telling people that Obama is not ready for presidency when he himself has not even been made vice president yet. If he gets it. The author has plenty of evidence and probably support from votors that Palin is not made for vice presidency but I still think she deserves another chance to change the votors' minds, who knows she might surprise you.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain has youth votes

As Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin make their first campaign visit to Green Bay, thousands are lining up outside, anxious to see their candidates in person. According to one of the young supporters, McCain and the republican Party do not get a lot of youth support. Brandon Baxter believes that the Democrats get all the youth support and wants people to see that the youth do care. Another young voter, Steven Lacy, is trying to show that McCain has youth votes too by supporting his views about what he has to say about the war and how the surge is working. I think this article would be worth reading if you are a young voter who supports McCain because apparently he does not get that many young votes and it's good to have younger voters participating. I found an article about McCain and his youth votes