Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chris Bell for Texas Governor

Chris Bell is running for the Texas Senate in the Gulf Coast’s District 17 because it's an incredible opportunity to make progress on the issues he cares about the most: public school education, access to health care and ethics reform.
He has been a leader since his days on the Houston City Council and in Congress. Now his experience can work for us in the State Legislature. As your senator, Chris will make sure Texas invests in our future by giving our public schools the resources they need to provide our children with a rigorous and useful education. He will work to end the state's over-reliance on high-stakes standardized testing. I would put my vote towards Chris Bell because i agree that getting the children ready for college should be more important than getting them ready to take another standardized test. Government can't solve every problem, but it should never make a problem worse. That's what has happened with children's health care in Texas. Chris believes the extraordinarily high number of uninsured children in Texas is a moral crisis that should be met head-on. If we are going to change the way business is conducted in Austin, we are going to have to hold our elected officials to a higher standard and ensure that their actions are transparent and accountable to all Texans. That's why Chris supports campaign finance reform and stricter enforcement of ethics rules.

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