Thursday, September 4, 2008

Government Lobbyists Paid with Tax Dollars

Are you aware that governmental entities use our tax dollars to hire lobbyists to promote the growth of government and oppose tax limitations? They do this despite the fact that there are laws on the books in Texas which prohibit this activity. There are no penalties for violating these laws. The Texas Associations of Counties which is funded by taxpayer dollars from county governments spent about $250,000 for 15 lobbyists during the 79th Texas Legislative Session. During the same session, 541 governmental entities spent $52.6 million tax dollars to hire lobbyists to promote government programs in Texas. These entities included city and county governments, school districts, and utility and water districts. Do you think that these lobbyists were paid to promote a decrease in the tax burden on the citizens and a limit on the growth of government? Most productive taxpaying citizens support the limitation on the growth of government by limiting the tax revenues. Do you want your tax dollars spent on lobbyists to oppose this aim? The free enterprise system has produced the business growth that has made Texas the economic force that it is today. Governments do not create wealth for society rather they extract wealth from the productive.

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