Thursday, September 4, 2008

Texas: Government Pays to Refurbish Church

In El Paso, the government is paying for a large refurbishing project on a 113-year-old Catholic church. Nothing structural is being done just plasters and layers of new paint. Apparently the church didn't want to have the congregation pay for it, so all tax payers have to foot the bill to make a Catholic church look pretty. most residents who attend the church were grateful that the government used taxpayer money to fix it up, however the residents who do not attend the church are not as happy about the government using their taxpaying money to make a church that they don't attend look pretty. I wouldn't be too happy with my taxpaying money going towards a church i don't attend either. I think it's good to spruce up a church that old so it can stand even longer but I think the government should find other ways of coming up with the money to do that. The church committee could even come up with a fund raiser or something to fund the church instead of using people's hard earned tax money.

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